Monday, August 31, 2009

more visitors?!

When we returned from our weekend Up North we had more friends to welcome. Dan and Jenny were in the Twin Cities visiting from NYC. We enjoyed a picnic at Hidden Falls and grillin' kabobs at our house. We're so lucky to have such great friends and Oscar has loved getting to know them all.

Daddy got a new camera

We went up to the cabin for Matt's birthday weekend. Good friends and family, good food, and good times. Oscar got to meet Alexis, Sal and Kingston. Matt got to play with his fancy new camera. A relaxing weekend was had by all.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Zabel Bed and Breakfast

I'm a little behind on getting things posted... sorry.
A few weekends ago Matt's cousin Michael and a few of his friends came to St. Paul for a wedding. We were happy to put them up at The Zabel Inn. Michael's girlfriend Emma made a beautiful apple pie for our Sunday brunch... and she put everyone to work peeling apples. Sunday morning brunch was a locavore menu (from the Mill City farmers market, our garden, the Baker's Wife Pastry Shop, and homemade). It was another wonderful get together with the family.

the girl next door

Oscar had the pleasure of finally meeting our newest neighbor, Alice Ann. She was born August 4th to our neighbors Laura and Ryan. She is a sweet little girl. She made Oscar look huge! He wasn't even that small when he was born though. We are looking forward to watching her grow-up along with Oscar. They are going to be such good friends, I'm sure.

a week with Auntie Em...

We spent a wonderful week our good friend Emily. Emily is going to school in Portugal and is back visiting for the month of August. This was the first time she and Oscar met. They definitely enjoyed getting to know each other. We went on some walks, visited the pool, did a little shopping, cooking and just hanging out. She left last Friday and ended up making a surprise second visit on Tuesday. It was so nice having her here and we miss her already.

Friday, August 14, 2009

he's on the move!

Oscar has been working on learning to crawl for the last few weeks. Up until today he has really only made backward progress with the occasional forward lunge. But something must have clicked today. He's on the move! Watch out, he's gonna' get you!

Oz in the Lou - Friends

While we were in St. Louis Oscar got a chance to get to know a few of his buddies. He and Jaxon had their first fight (over a paci), did some wrestling, playing in the pool, and flirting with Hailey (my friend Lauren's little girl).

He also got to meet Jacob, Melanie's little boy who just turned 2! They have a big age difference but in a few years they will surely be runnin' around together.

He is a very social little guy. Happy to meet new people, go new places, and try new things.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Oz in the Lou - Family

I am a bit behind on the blog... apologies to my loyal followers who are missing their weekly visit to the land of Oz.

In my last post I mentioned that a tooth was on it's way. It was and it brought a friend. The two lower front teeth made their appearance while we where in St. Louis (fortunately with plenty of dental professionals around to check things out). It made for a week of sleepless nights away from home, but we survived.

The best part was spending some quality time with the family. Oscar got to see all his great-grandparents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and all those "might as well be family" people that have been looking forward to seeing him. He was happy to show off all his new tricks that he has learned over the last few months... jumping, rocking (aka, trying to crawl), talking (or at least making lots of noise), eating, and laughing (Uncle Stace sure is funny). He was so happy to see everyone again and we all appreciated being able to take the time to see everyone.

Also, I hope everyone knows that they are more then welcome to come visit us in St. Paul at any time (with a little warning)! We don't know when we will be returning to St. Louis for our next visit but we are already missing everyone.