Monday, October 12, 2009

Fun Fall

So far we are having a fun Fall. Oscar is still working on getting those top teeth, but nothing yet. Some days he seems bothered by them and other days all is normal, this whole teething thing is a mystery to me. He has been practicing lots of sounds and for the first time made the "dadadadada" sound... so dada might be his first word once he realized there is a meaning attached to those fun sounds.

Oscar and Matt started their swim class last week. They are "Fin Buddies". It will be a weekly outing for them over the next few months and should help Oscar to continue being comfortable in the water.

We took a trip to the pumpkin patch this weekend with Claire, Sam and Olive. It was quite chilly but we got bundled up to pick some apples and pumpkins. Fall seems to have turned into winter quickly here. It's a good thing that we went yesterday because we have been watching snow fall all day here.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Flickr Update

Flickr has been updated with September pictures. Enjoy!

Monday, October 5, 2009

morning dance party

Oscar was in the mood to do some dancing this morning. He apparently got the Amaro dancing gene... anytime he hears a melody or rhythm his little booty starts shaking. This fun little activity table is a hand-me-down from cousin Olive. We just got it out for him this weekend. He didn't know what to do with it at first, beside stand at it. But after showing him a few of the buttons he spent the next hour focused on getting to know this new toy. He seems to have figured it out but has not realized that he can walk around it. Soon enough.

Fall is definitely here! We had to get out Oscar's coat last week.

Oscar has been practicing feeding him self with foods that need to be chewed. He's a pro with the O's and the teething biscuits. The peas and bananas don't stick to his hands so they are a bit more challenging. But he dives into every meal with enthusiasm and he can't get it to his mouth fast enough.