Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Oscar discovered pumpkins mid-September. He would see a few here and there, and once he was paying attention he started seeing them everywhere! Then he got a book about pumpkins and a stuffed one too! He started getting into the holiday spirit.
First Fitting
Muppin Man
Oscar has developed an obsession with muffins (or as he calls them "MUPPINS"). So, a few months ago when we were trying to decide what he would be for Halloween, we thought it would be fun for him to be a muffin. I found some inspiration online but most of those costume ideas were cupcakes. I found a laundry basket that was Oscar sized and wandered the fabric store till I came across the perfect fabric. It was a pretty simple design and I got it done in one afternoon.
3 Little Birds Halloween Parade
Hanging out with Michael
As soon as Oscar saw it he knew right away that is was a "MUPPIN!" and was happy to put it on... but only for a few minutes at a time. On Halloween weekend we went to a few parties and once he saw other kiddos dressed in costume he seemed to "get it" and then didn't want to take the costume off! (which made getting into the car a bit of a challenge) As for Trick-Or-Treating, he totally got it! The first house we had to of show him what to do and that was all it took, he was an expert after that. We walked 2 blocks in our neighborhood with our neighbors and their daughter, Alice. Halloween was a success and I'm already looking forward to next year. I wonder if Oscar will start requesting his own costume or will I get to keep coming up with them for the next few years?
"Where the treats at?!"
"C'mon on we're ready to trick-or-treat!"
"Hello Mr. Pumpkin."
"Treats go in here."
A few weeks ago we went in for the big 20 week ultrasound... and got to find out that the twins are GIRLS!!! and apparently identical. We got to see them wiggling around, fingers, toes and everything seems to be in the right place. They are measuring right on schedule and weigh within a few grams of one another. So, a good report and everyone is healthy! The ultrasound pictures were not too exciting this time... but fortunately I will be having an ultrasound every other appointment from now on.
The baker with his buns in the oven.