"I'm excited and I don't even know what it is!"

Oscar got 2 trucks for Christmas (while we were in St. Louis) that he can ride and push. At first he wasn't exactly sure what to do with it. The walking while pushing seemed a bit confusing... but he caught on pretty quickly. His legs aren't quite long enough to scoot along himself, but one of the trucks has a push handle for adults. All and all they were a big hit!

We visited Oscar's friend Jaxon (Michele and Nick too) while we were in town... and what do ya' know, Jaxon has a push truck too! Oscar was very excited and knew exactly what to do with it. He even took Jaxon for a little ride. Cute!

After a long ride back home Oscar was happy to be home and out of the car. He had a bit of diaper rash from all the sitting in the car. So we gave him a little naked time and let him play with his new toys. He seemed pleased.
"... oh, wait is that dog food I see??"

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