Apparently the last few months have kept me busy. I just noticed that my last post was from Halloween!!
To quickly sum things up...
At the beginning of November went for one last visit to St. Louis to see the family before I would be restricted from travel and the 24week point in the pregnancy when I would be on "modified bed rest". We celebrated Thanksgiving here at our house surrounded by lots of friends and family... it was quite a feast! Before we knew it Christmas was here and then New Years (and yes we managed to have our annual new years eve party)!! As much as we missed our traditional holiday routine it was nice to be home and not traveling. Waking up at home on Christmas morning was special. It also made us think about the logistics of traveling for the holidays next year with 3 little ones in tow! The "bed rest" was officially over at the end of December but by that point I was having a hard time getting around due to my GIANT belly. January kept us busy with all the birthdays in the Zabel clan, nearly every weekend we had celebrations to keep us busy and distract us from the anticipation.
the feast
visit with Santa
Santa didn't finish his nog and cookies
Mid-January things seemed to change. At my 32 week appointment they noticed I was having regular contractions (though not painful to me) but after a few visits to the hospital for further monitoring they decided to put me on meds to hold off labor for a bit longer. My next few weekly appointments continued to show the same thing but because there was no cervical changes (not significant anyway) they were not concerned. At my 35 week appointment they decided something was happening. I was instructed to stop taking the medication because it seemed like these girls were ready to arrive and the med wasn't doing too much to stop them. Dr. Grande actually told me I was in labor and that I should just go straight to the hospital. I was very surprised since I still didn't feel like I was in labor. I opted to just go home and get my self organized and wait for some real action to start. I had been having contractions for weeks and this day didn't seem any different... maybe a little stronger at times but not consistent. We all got excited and let everyone know that things were going to happen soon - this was Tuesday. Matt stayed home from work the next day, sure that it was the day! We did some nesting, cooking, organizing, preparing for the babies... and still nothing. By Thursday we decided it was just a false alarm and that it might possibly be weeks before they actually are here. Through out the whole pregnancy I realized that twins often arrive early (on average between 34-38 weeks) and I had said many times that I hoped they wait till after Oscar's birthday party.
Olive shows up to the party like a rockstar!
Sunday was Oscar's 2nd birthday party at Choo Choo Bob's. I had a terrible night sleep but was excited to celebrate Oscar's golden birthday. Oscar had a wonderful time at his party. Trains, pizza, birthday cake, presents and his friends and family... doesn't get any better than that! We were all exhausted after the party so we headed home for nap time. Oscar and I napped while Matt went to get a haircut. After tossing and turning I was not napping, feeling very uncomfortable and feeling very emotional. I felt like something was happening, but I was still not having regular or "stop-you-in-your-tracks" contractions (if I kept busy I wouldn't even notice them). A friend of mine that recently had a baby had "silent labor" and without even noticing it she was nearly fully dilated and it was time to have a baby! I was starting to worry that this was happening to me. I put a call out to our doula, Karen, just to talk things over with her... maybe she could ease my mind? Then I started googling "silent labor" looking for some clue. Matt and Oscar were right next to me wrestling on the floor and "oops!" my water broke!!!
to be continued....
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