Monday, December 21, 2009

Great-Grandpa Amaro

Last week we lost my Grandpa Amaro, Oscar's great-grandpa. He was 89 years old and passed away peacefully at home. He loved his family more than anything else in the world and was so happy to meet the newest addition. Oscar's middle name is Thomas, after his great-grandpa. I hope that everyone will help us to share with Oscar the memories we have of him, so that Oscar can know what a wonderful great-grandfather he had. I know he thought Oscar was a pretty special little "wootsie". I am thankful that Oscar and Grandpa had the chance to get to know each other over the last year. We will all miss him.

Thank you Grandpa Amaro for teaching us about the important things in life: family, taking care of each other and craftsmanship.

meeting each other for the first time

summer visit
Thanksgiving '09Good bye Grandpa, we love you.Thomas Americo Amaro
June 14, 1920 - December 13, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009

December blizzard

watching Daddy shovel

Last week we got our first big snow fall of the year. About 6+"!!! We got Oscar bundled in his new snow suit and went to check it out. We were only outside for about 5minutes and he didn't particularly enjoy it. It was extremely cold so who could blame him?!

standing in the snow

happy to be back inside

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Flickr Update

I got a little behind... but finally October and November pics are up! Just click on the slide show on the right.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

boys and trucks

"I'm excited and I don't even know what it is!"
Oscar got 2 trucks for Christmas (while we were in St. Louis) that he can ride and push. At first he wasn't exactly sure what to do with it. The walking while pushing seemed a bit confusing... but he caught on pretty quickly. His legs aren't quite long enough to scoot along himself, but one of the trucks has a push handle for adults. All and all they were a big hit!

We visited Oscar's friend Jaxon (Michele and Nick too) while we were in town... and what do ya' know, Jaxon has a push truck too! Oscar was very excited and knew exactly what to do with it. He even took Jaxon for a little ride. Cute!

After a long ride back home Oscar was happy to be home and out of the car. He had a bit of diaper rash from all the sitting in the car. So we gave him a little naked time and let him play with his new toys. He seemed pleased.

"... oh, wait is that dog food I see??"


Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving x3

We got to enjoy 3, yes 3, Thanksgivings this year!

A few weekends ago we had Matt's side of the family over for a pre-Thanksgiving day meal. It was really just an excuse to start celebrating early and to have some leftovers. Even though it was early we still went all out.

We spent the actual Thanksgiving day holiday in St. Louis celebrating with that side of the family. It was also our early Christmas celebration as well. Everyone was very generous and Oscar was truly spoiled! He really enjoyed seeing everyone again. He really loves having family around and wastes no time getting comfortable and friendly with everyone. He happily joined in on the turkey day feasts.

"O my, all these toys for me?!"

New truck

Hanging out with Grandpa
Checking out my new toys!My Very Hungry Caterpillar quilt from Lisa.

Thanks to everyone for a great Thanksgiving!

new teeth

Oscar will be getting 20 teeth before he turns 2. I hope they all go a little easier then these upper central incisors. He started to seem irritated by them at the beginning of September and two and a half months later they finally erupted! We are trying to get him used to teeth brushing. He has quickly adjusted to his new teeth and is happy to show them off with one of his big grins.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Last weekend Claire, Sam and Olive came over with a yummy enchilada dinner! After dinner, Olive helped with Oscar's bath and getting ready for bed. She even read him a few bedtime stories!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

pasta con broccoli a la Oscar

Grannie sent Oscar some special tiny star pasta a while back. We had tried it once and he was not interested at all. This time Oscar wasn't too excited about it plain but with some special broccoli puree he loved it!
Thanks Grannie!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

first Halloween

Oscar was a monkey for his first Halloween... and so were we.
Oscar didn't do any trick or treating for Halloween, but he did visit many of his friends and family.
Jacob, Collin and Oscar
(Bradley class buddies)

Olive "dentist in training" examined the monkey's teeth.
Olive and her patientsThe Monkey and The Bumble Bee (aka. Alice)what a delicious antennae!

dads and babiesIt was a Happy First Halloween.

Monday, November 2, 2009

fall visitors

It is continually getting tougher to make blog posts with this busy little man crawling all over the place.

Grannie AND Great Uncle Rick came to visit over the same weekend! OMG! Luckily Grannie got a day with "BooBoo" before Uncle Rick came to steal the show.


We had wonderful fall weather for the weekend. We all took a walk to enjoy the colors. Matt and I went to see a show with Rick at the Guthrie, Faith Healer... a very nice treat! Thanks to Grannie for babysitting and Rick for treating us to the show.
The real treat was Rick's puppet show the next day. Obviously Oscar is a fan of theater already.

9 Month Stats

Today Oscar is 9 months old! It's hard to believe.
He had a check-up today... still looking good and healthy.

Height: 27in
Weight: 19lbs4oz
Head: 45.75cm

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fun Fall

So far we are having a fun Fall. Oscar is still working on getting those top teeth, but nothing yet. Some days he seems bothered by them and other days all is normal, this whole teething thing is a mystery to me. He has been practicing lots of sounds and for the first time made the "dadadadada" sound... so dada might be his first word once he realized there is a meaning attached to those fun sounds.

Oscar and Matt started their swim class last week. They are "Fin Buddies". It will be a weekly outing for them over the next few months and should help Oscar to continue being comfortable in the water.

We took a trip to the pumpkin patch this weekend with Claire, Sam and Olive. It was quite chilly but we got bundled up to pick some apples and pumpkins. Fall seems to have turned into winter quickly here. It's a good thing that we went yesterday because we have been watching snow fall all day here.