Tuesday, March 24, 2009

He's growning up... and out.

Oscar has been sleeping in our room in a bassinet since coming home just over 7 weeks ago. But over the last week or so he had been waking-up with his head pushed up against the top. When he would fully extend his legs he could push himself all the way up... this would make him mad, beside waking him up. So, starting last Saturday night he has been sleeping in his crib, in his own room. He has done great so far... sleeping at least a 5 or 6hr stretch before waking up to nurse and then returning to sleep till around 7 or 8am. We are feeling pretty good about this set up. It does make us a little sad to have him sleeping all the way down the hall, we miss having him right there in the room with us. He has been sleeping on this schedule since week 2 when we gave into his need to sleep on his tummy (I mentioned this frustration in an earlier entry). Matt purchased the Angelcare monitor which has put us at ease, especially with him in the crib now. It's amazing how much has changed in the last 7 weeks... he really is growing and changing so quickly.

1 comment:

  1. the angelcare monitor is what we have. russ' boss swore by it so he purchased it for us as a shower present. it's the best. it's extremely reassuring to hear the ticking when you wake up at night.

    i love all the photos!
